Comments on: Expect the Unexpected Global Citizen Year immerses HS grads in developing nations to live and work on the frontlines of today's global challenges during a gap year. Sat, 18 Feb 2012 19:54:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tess Mon, 25 Oct 2010 20:00:38 +0000 Thanks so much for all the support!

By: Susan Montanile Fri, 22 Oct 2010 11:58:28 +0000 Greetings Tess! What an excellent gift you have. Thanks for this vivid description… almost feel as if I was there with you. Will tune in again to hear more. Enjoy your time there and keep chronicling.

By: Hannah Dayan Thu, 21 Oct 2010 19:47:26 +0000 tess honestly, that was so beautifully written. i am now officially frightened to write to you, haha a compare and contrast of yours and mine would just be pitiful. anyway it sounds amazing and i’m glad all is well. i can’t wait to hear all of your adventures. have fun girly girl

By: Charles Nichols Thu, 21 Oct 2010 05:44:02 +0000 Read your post via Nicholas Kristof’s Twitter. It’s great to see more Americans travelling to Senegal and loving it! Eat as much mango as you can, you’ll miss it when you get back. Also, I’d suggest that you make it out to Saint-Louis when you get a chance, it’s more than worth the 6 hour sept-place ride–just make sure not to get stuck in the back seat if you can!

By: Drew Martin Wed, 20 Oct 2010 04:11:51 +0000 Tess, We’re so glad you are off to a great start. I always love your writing, but coupling it with your Senegal adventures makes it even more enjoyable. Love, Drew et al
p.s. now, thanks to you, I know Nicholas Kristof exists!

By: Peeps Tue, 19 Oct 2010 22:34:36 +0000 Where on earth did you get your gift for writing?
I can’t wait for the next chapter of your adventure. Love, Peeps

By: islandmomma Tue, 19 Oct 2010 22:21:58 +0000 Nanga def. I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your writing. I came across it via Nicholas Kristof/Twitter. I haven’t been to Senegal, yet, but have many Senegalese friends, and recognize your descriptions! You must try Thieboudienne. This is the dish they usually make when we have parties!

By: El Hadji Beye Tue, 19 Oct 2010 19:59:41 +0000 This is authentic, you are experiencing the Senegal we all grew up knowing.

Enjoy your trip in my country.

A Senegalese fan of your article.

By: Jean-Louis Kayitenkore Tue, 19 Oct 2010 19:34:50 +0000 There are a lot of cliché. Senegal is one of Africa’s oldest democracy. A french colony with a lot of tradition. I have been positively impressed by most of my senegalese friends. I wish you a good time. Lol, Gbu J-L K

By: Aunt Minnie Sat, 16 Oct 2010 22:38:28 +0000 Woke up Wednesday wondering about the next posting. And there it was! It’s fun seeing East and West unfolding in your week-by-week descriptions. TV, texting and cell phones. Oh my!
“Asalaa Maalekum.”

By: Tom Denton Sat, 16 Oct 2010 15:46:32 +0000 Hi Tess. Love the intro to your family and the goal of no expectations. I am looking forward to reading about your experiences. Tom

By: Tess Sat, 16 Oct 2010 13:19:51 +0000 Thanks for the comments and support guys!
I won’t forget how to use a fork David! And my favorite food is unquestionably mango. My host mom says I eat “beacoup de mangue”. I also like some of the peanut based dishes like mafe.
