Comments on: A Shock to the System Global Citizen Year immerses HS grads in developing nations to live and work on the frontlines of today's global challenges during a gap year. Sat, 28 Jul 2012 08:25:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ari Sat, 28 Jul 2012 08:25:04 +0000 This is legit 20 minutes away from my house. It’s one of my fatovire places in Queens. Hopefully, I’ll be able to make the Maker Faire. It’s great that they give this park the love and attention it deserves by holding this in the weekend. This is awesome!

By: Priyanka Sun, 11 Dec 2011 18:47:56 +0000 I’m just breathing in the encouraging comments for myself. Thanks. Some of the bizarre-est things have been happening out here.
And I love it, but yes, ultimately, help comes from within. From within.

By: Lisa Freschi Thu, 27 Oct 2011 00:27:32 +0000 Having the skill to so poingnantly share your thoughs and feelings says you are a confident and strong individual. Although you hit a rough patch, I am pretty sure you are going to muscle through and come out the other side even more sure of yourself and what you are capable of achieving. Positive thoughts and energy are coming from every direction to you and to all the Fellows on this most amazing journey!

By: Abigail Hindson Wed, 26 Oct 2011 15:22:33 +0000 Winson! This post describes some of the exact same things I’ve been going through…but we can make it, and by the end of our adventure, we’ll truly only be at the beginning of another one! I’ve begun to adopt the attitude of starting afresh with each new day, with no expectations and a positive outlook–no matter what happened the day before, or what challenges lie ahead. Keep taking things in stride, enjoy Brazil while you can, and we’re ALL here to support one another whatever is going on. Lots of hugs from Ecuador!

By: Gina Burns Wed, 26 Oct 2011 13:37:43 +0000 Winson, Please know that we have all had to face our demons and challenges at various times in the course of our lives – please continue to share your thoughts and concerns, good days and not so good days. Life is not a contest to see who has the best or worst of anything. It just is. And while you cannot always know why things are the way they are, you can take comfort in knowing that things do not stay the same and change is always around the next corner or the next day. Hugs to you –

By: Bejae Keil Tue, 25 Oct 2011 20:43:02 +0000 WOW, Young man, you are wise beyond your years. And what a writer you are, profoundly spoken. Prayers from Iowa today for you as you continue to grow in character and all other facits of life~
