There are thousands of languages out there, some only a few hundred can people speak them, I used to wonder how people used to communicate when they did not have a common language, even sign language is not universal, it varies within countries, certainly you will comprehend the basics, maybe easier to go around using...
Hi, my name is Assa Ndiaye. I am the namesake, or turëndo, of my host papa’s mother, who passed away 6 years ago. I also share this name with one of my older sisters, so as you can imagine this leads to much confusion at times. I was given this name when I met my...
This post is ridiculously overdue, but hey, better late than never, right? My two previously very separate worlds collided on December 24, 2019 when my fantastic mom, dad, and brothers all visited me here in Cuenca, Ecuador. They landed in Guayaquil on the 23rd and took a somewhat long van ride all the way to...
I’ve officially hit the five month mark. With two months left, I want to reflect upon the two things that I appreciate more than anything: my host family and my family back home. It was Christmas Eve. I was in the midst of scrambling to finish my nine college applications after I got rejected by...
So, this was an event. It consumed an entire day and resulted and a small discount on the Airbnb. It all started with a trip to Rio with three other fellows. It was Grace, Michele, and Graham- for future reference. We all booked this Airbnb that had glowing reviews. I’m talking like 2 paragraphs of...
Thank You Staff I’m so grateful for the support that we have to fall back on. The close relationships we have with our team leaders in this cohort is one that shouldn’t be taken for granted. Zooni, thanks for listening to all of my problems and still believing that I can overcome whatever it may...
I realized I now call Pune home. When I first arrived here in September, I didn’t think that would ever happen. But now that it has, I feel an overwhelming amount of love for this city and the people who have become family in it. Sunday, February 2nd, 2020 I decided to dedicate this day...
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the concept of home. I keep having the moment of thinking, “I want to go home”, and not really knowing where that is. Is Sayausí home? Is Michigan? Is it both? Neither? I don’t think home is a single defined place for me right now. All I know...