Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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How helpful is help?


I am currently at the Global Launch at Stanford California and lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about harm. These past couples of days we’ve had talks by inspiring entrepreneurs all working for a better world in their own way. In our discussions we always came back to the difficulties of the solutions to these...

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Blog post – Julija Zagurskyte


“How do you feel about moving to Senegal?!?!?!?” Introversion and impulsivity are the worst traits. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing bad about the sense of comfort that comes from within – introverts commonly have an acute sense of self and keen observation… and we all have a moment in which we acted so...

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The Hike of Omens


As we were walking down the winding path of the hiking trail I found myself captivated on the ground. Focused on not tripping over long tree roots, raised sand, or stepping off the trail and risking all of the “bad things”. Including ticks, poison oak, and others. 15 minutes in I realized that I never...

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How does it feel like to be a fellow?


How does it feel to be like a fellow? How does it feel like to be hosted  by a family that you have never met before? How does it feel like to have host siblings? How does it feel to learn a language and immersing yourself to a new culture? How does it feel? Considering...

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Life in Laguna Beach came and went with the tides. Over the course of a decade, confusion and anxiety ebbed out to sea, soon to be replaced by curiosity and zeal. The final four years showed me what I was made of deep down, but I never felt that I embodied that. You see, I...

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So This is It…


Senegal. The land of teranga, and the vast unknown to which I'll be plunging into shortly. It is a dive into a pool so deep I won't happen to surface from it for eight months. It looms like a titan in my imagination, its languages, customs, history, and overall presence unyielding thus far to my...

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Just A Soccer Game


Today was the third day of Global Citizen Year’s Global Launch. At Global Launch I have been exposed to a caliber of diversity unlike anything I ever imagined. I could go on to explain all of the interesting learning we have been doing about the world around us and how we interact with it, but...

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Comfortable Being Uncomfortable


I’ve always tried to keep most thoughts out of my head. Seems contradictory, but I have a formula. It’s incredibly precise. If I start thinking about something that makes me uncomfortable, I actively shake the thought out of my head. Be warned, an incredibly intense precision is imperative to moving your head side to side...

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Ready to go, once more.


Μέσω Many people around me question my desitions strongly. “Why did you leave Greece for two years to go to Armenia? Why are you not going to college straight away?” And this discussion continues with many telling me “Sofia, you are 19 years old, it is already late”. “Is not !” I am answering, and...

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