Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Saying Goodbye


I tried to write this blog over and over again in the last few weeks I was at home, but I could never quite get it right. I think this whole thing felt too surreal. I couldn’t even begin to process the idea of leaving home. I kept getting stuck on this idea: I am...

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My Water


As David Foster Wallace explained, a fish does not know it is in water. In fact, he might even ask what water is, if you told him he was in it. Yes, we have all these things around us, but we often do not recognize it or how impactful it is.  As I am nearing...

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My Own Hero’s Journey


My name is Elise Rockwell, and I am moving to Ecuador for 7 months with the program Global Citizen Year.    There are plenty of things I could write about, but I am not going to write about what my future holds in the next year because you will see that for yourself (if you so...

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The Power of Daydreaming


It is exactly 5 days until my 18th birthday, and 10 days until I embark on my journey to halfway across the world– a fact that has only just crashed upon my unsuspecting psyche. For my first blog, I want to reflect on the things that have led to this upcoming adventure: rejection, an Instagram...

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Taking The Long Way


When I was still small enough to hide behind my mom during encounters with new people and panic during school fire drills, my parents began to invite strangers to my house. Loaded with sets of panniers and powered by two wheels, gears, and their body strength, our guests would coast into our driveway on touring...

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For Anyone Still Reading


Watch this first: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtR9_xxVAdQ&feature=youtu.be My host mom recently sent me this video from my last night in India. In it, I am dressed in a kurta, standing on stage in front of many host families, reciting a poem in Hindi titled “Ode to Dal Rice”. My feet are bare, my skin is dark, and there...

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Soon be Third Home


    Despite preparing for my journey to Ecuador all summer, the moment I truly felt the weight of my departure was when I finally received my visa. I entered the Viennese Ecuadorian Embassy with all the required documents in a bright yellow folder with an obnoxiously large name tag on which my name had...

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The Bus Blog


On the 45-minute Caieira da Barra do Sul bus route southward from my host house to the bottom of the island, there’s a view of the calm water between the island and the continent. Over the water you can see the hills of the mainland layered over each other with shades of blue or green, depending...

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My Yaay’s Omelet Recipe


My Yaay’s Omelet Recipe   3 Large Eggs 1 Small Sweet Yellow onion ½  cup of peanut oil                                                                                                                                    1 tablespoon Brown Vinegar Salt ¼ of a Madji Cube, ground Black pepper French Baguette (to serve) Mayonnaise (to serve)   Background I remember the first real street food item that I had was an omelet....

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