Comments on: Anecdotes from the First Week Global Citizen Year immerses HS grads in developing nations to live and work on the frontlines of today's global challenges during a gap year. Mon, 23 Sep 2019 23:50:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mana Cece Mon, 23 Sep 2019 23:50:09 +0000 . I think we would get along just fine and I, too, would leave the spiders for the big, tall young man to dispense! We are excited to see you in your new job using all of your many computer, photo, writing and reasoning skills. They are very lucky to have you! Every once in a while give your new mama a little hug and a big smile. We love every speck of you! Keep having fun and causing fun! Love you much, Mana and Papa]]> Dearest Charlie, we completely enjoyed your blog and can tell that you are making efficient use of your writing and photography skills! What a beautiful lake to rock you to sleep each night. Your new family sounds lovely and what perfect ages to experience life with, especially musically. You do remember that I am a big fan of bleached white socks and towels (and cloth diapers). Kudos to mamašŸ˜‡. I think we would get along just fine and I, too, would leave the spiders for the big, tall young man to dispense! We are excited to see you in your new job using all of your many computer, photo, writing and reasoning skills. They are very lucky to have you! Every once in a while give your new mama a little hug and a big smile. We love every speck of you! Keep having fun and causing fun! Love you much, Mana and Papa

By: Danny S. Thu, 19 Sep 2019 19:04:33 +0000 Global Citizen Year | Anecdotes from the First WeekHi Honey, I was so happy to wake up to your blog since I hadnā€™t seen it last night! Iā€™m sorry we werenā€™t able to see you before you left. We got home the night before!!
It sounds like you are settling in quite nicely, even with spiders outside your door! (I can just see you mom getting totally freaked hearing about this)! I, too, am curious to find out why they leave them there! If it would make you feel better, you could stuff a piece of clothing under your door (I bet you already did!) so there is no passage way for spiders! Your family there sounds so nice and the view idyllic. When do you start your internship? Will you be able to easily visit Amanda or is she too far away from where you are? Iā€™m still laughing about ā€œstrangling guinea pigsā€!! I love to try new foods, but I donā€™t think I would be first in line for that delicacy! We had great fun on the bluff for 3 weeks. Hannah came with her 3 kids, so we really got to know them. Up to then, we had only been around them for brief family dinners once a year when we visited Vermont. So speaking of ā€œimmersionā€, this was it! Iā€™m sure you can guess that Papou became the ā€œFun Uncleā€, which he had always been for Hannah and her siblings when they were small. Among other things, Hannah remembers the time we brought up temporary tattoos for them. They were sooo excited and wouldnā€™t wash that part of their skin for days! I even wore one on my cheek!! The kids are voracious readers. Itā€™s the last thing they do at night and first thing they do when they wake up. So we were up and around before the kids, which is so unusual! They wake up, grab their book, and stay in bed reading! Dave was supposed to come, but his aunt died right before he was set to leave and they asked him to be a pall bearer, so he didnā€™t make it! We can hardly wait for the day you can experience our little cabin, too!
Your adventures are just beginning, Honey, and I know you will be open to them. Iā€™m sure you wonā€™t remember this quote I read you and Jack when you first moved back here to our house and were complaining about going to visit that friend of your parents (Chris?): ā€œThe soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experienceā€ (Emily Dickinson) (I explained that it meant to be ready for something wonderful to happen when you least expect it) and you came back with a box full of Star Wars figures still in their boxes!! That WAS an ecstatic experience for you two little boys! We love every word you write and can just ā€œseeā€ you there. We look forward to reading your next installment!
We miss you and love you more than words can ever say! Love, Yaya xx

By: Colin Thu, 19 Sep 2019 17:05:52 +0000 I’m so happy for you Carlitos. The fact that you resisted the urge to unpack to go along with Pablo shows that you’re in it for the adventure. That’s so unexpected to hear the song “Californication” on the guitar, but even more cool that you’re experiencing a completely new culture–and all of the food, bugs, words, traditions, and music that comes along with it. Wishing you the best of times – Colin.
