First Annual AGA Gap Year Awards are Presented to…
One of the exciting additions to the International Gap Year Conference, in Denver, this year was the inaugural presentation of awards. Delighted by the numerous nominations, the conference committee was pleased to present the following awards for Innovation, Research, Accessibility, and Advancing the Movement.
Excellence & Equity in Accessibility
This award is presented to an individual or corporate body that has pushed the boundaries in expanding equity and accessibility in the Gap Year movement, creating greater opportunities for students overcoming obstacles.
Global Citizen Year
Global Citizen Year is actively working to democratize travel and dispel the myth that a Gap Year is “just for rich kids.” Recognizing that talent is universal but opportunity is not GCY has built a program that honors that ethos.
To date, 80% of Global Citizen Year Fellows have received some level of need-based financial aid, and 30% have received a fully-funded scholarship. This year alone, Global Citizen Year will provide over $2M in scholarships to low-income participants. Perhaps the most telling statistics regarding the diversity of our their Fellow cohort are that 47% are eligible to receive Pell Grants for college and 45% self-identify as people of color.
Global Citizen Year’s commitment to access means the next generation of new leaders will increasingly reflect the diversity of our country.