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Global Citizen Year proudly selects exceptional young leaders, independent of financial circumstances, and helps them develop the insights, skills, and networks for a lifetime of positive impact.


Tuition for Take Action Lab is $21,000 USD.


Curriculum & Cultural Activities

  • Foundations course: Before going abroad, this four-week course prepares the cohort to approach their time abroad with self-awareness, humility, and a learning mindset. Guided by experienced instructors, students reflect deeply on identity, privilege, belonging, and what it means to be a responsible global citizen. This virtual course equips students with an introduction to the historical and social context in Cape Town and forges a strong sense of community in the cohort.
  • Orientation Week: Upon arrival in Cape Town, students receive a thorough week-long training to equip them with the cultural and risk-management skills to deeply and safely immerse.
  • Cultural activities & excursions twice a week: Global Citizen Year hosts cultural activities or excursions each week, providing experiential opportunities to deepen students’ understanding of South Africa.
  • Reflection Week: During the final week of the semester, students make meaning out of the rich experiences they’ve had in South Africa. Through guided reflection, students consider how they want to integrate their new perspectives into life going forward.

Airport transfers on arrival and departure

Our team will meet you at the airport at arrival. On both arrival and departure days, we’ll arrange transportation to/from the airport.

Housing in Cape Town

Global Citizen Year provides several houses where students live together during their 3 months in Cape Town. Houses are fully furnished and include shared common spaces, bathrooms, a fully equipped kitchen, and laundry facilities. Each student has their own private bedroom with a bed, desk, and storage. Wifi, water, electricity, and cleaning fees are included. [Note: Meals are not included.]

Apprenticeship matching & support

Our team has cultivated a strong network of outstanding apprenticeship placements in Cape Town. Each student is matched with a South African organization advancing a human rights cause aligned with their interests. Students will spend four days at their apprenticeship each week, supporting the mission, and deepening their own awareness by working on-the-ground with experienced human rights advocates and the communities they serve. A staff advisor and a mentor at the apprenticeship will support each student in setting and working toward meaningful goals for their apprenticeship experience.


At a semester-long project at their apprenticeship, students will also learn to apply the principles of asset-based community development through an asset mapping project. They will conduct community stakeholder interviews culminating in a dynamic, multimedia asset map.

Local support team

Our local team of trained youth development professionals live in Cape Town and support students throughout their time abroad. In case of health or safety incidents, they are close by and available for immediate support.

We don’t believe in hidden costs, and aim to provide a thorough and transparent breakdown of tuition and expenses. For a full breakdown of program costs just click below.


Download Cost Details


We are dedicated to making Take Action Lab accessible to talented young leaders from all backgrounds. We also know that people from the Global South and people who identify as BIPOC are underrepresented in positions of leadership and disproportionately impacted by income inequality. Therefore, our financial aid targets individuals without the means to afford Take Action Lab, with a need- and demographically-aware philosophy to ensure that we are giving access to traditionally underserved groups.

Global Changemaker Scholarship

All applicants are automatically considered for the Global Changemaker Scholarship. This is a merit scholarship awarding up to $10,000 to a select number of students with a track record of transforming their ideals into action. In awarding the Global Changemaker Scholarships, we look for students who demonstrate initiative and collaboration in proactively shaping a better future, whether in their local community or the world at large.

Eligibility: All applicants are eligible.

How to Apply: All applicants are automatically considered.


United World College Scholarship

Global Citizen Year is proud to award a $2,500 scholarship to all United World College (UWC) graduates who enroll in Take Action Lab. Through our many years of partnership, we’ve witnessed the incredible synergy between the UWC and Global Citizen Year experiences and we we look forward to welcoming many more UWC alumni into our community.

Eligibility: Must be an alumnus of the United World Colleges

How to Apply: In the application, there is a specific question for you to indicate that your high school was part of the UWC network.

Have Admissions Questions?

Check out our FAQs or email our team at admissions@globalcitizenyear.org