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Michael Ratliff

Originally from Tennessee, Michael has spent the past two years of high school at Li Po Chun United World College in Hong Kong. He recently led his school’s delegation at the Hong Kong Model United Nations, where his team won an award for Outstanding Delegation. Having studied French and Chinese and lived with students from all over the world, Michael has embraced the international education he has received so far and looks forward to immersing himself in a new community and culture during his Global Citizen Year.


A Mile Wide, An Inch Deep

Michael Ratliff


Having only passed the Mason Dixon Line once in the first 17 years of my life, I had – and still have – a strong desire to explore life out of the American Southeast. I was lucky enough to receive a scholarship to attend a United World College, a program designed to bring students from...

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From Research to Reality

Michael Ratliff


As the end of our training approached, I was struck by how we had come full circle. From the Skype conference call with a former Stanford professor about international development to a lecture from a Brazilian professor on the same topic but in Portuguese, speaking about PIB (produto interno bruto) instead of GDP.But there was...

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Does Social Change Need God?

Michael Ratliff


It would be naïve to discount the influence of religion on social change. Civil disobedience movements, from Leo Tolstoy’s communes in Russia to Gandhi’s civil disobedience to Martin Luther King Jr.’s civil rights marches, all shared a strong grounding in religious teachings. And with good reason; the Gospels offer an inspirational example of how to...

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