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Mariah Donnelly

Mariah has been on her debate team for the past four years. She coaches and judges freshman debate, served as a captain of the debate team her senior year, and is proud to have recently received a bid to the Tournament of Champions. She also has a great interest in politics and economics, and someday hopes to become a United States Senator.

high school student on a gap year program in Brazil

A Story of Success

Mariah Donnelly


How do you create a solution to a problem? Where do you start? How do you fund something so grandiose when the government refuses to give you money, and these days giving money to non-profits has become synonymous with “fueling corruption”. It’s easy to come up with a thousand reasons not to do something, but...

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My Story…

Mariah Donnelly


One of the main events that occurred during re-entry in California was the Donor Dinner Night. During this event we had some of our Global Citizen Year donors join the fellows and the rest of the Global Citizen Year staff as we shared our new stories, pictures, videos, and skits from the all-different countries. That...

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