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Lucy Blumberg

Lucy realized the importance of becoming a global citizen after spending a summer teaching in Ghana. A dedicated actress, Lucy has experience on stage playing a lead role in Carlos Goldini’s “Servant of Two Masters” and Shakespeare’s “As You Like It” and loves the creative collaboration required to put on a successful play. Lucy was also the founder of her school’s Improvisation Club.



Lucy Blumberg


The path to Soudiane (SOO-jan) is like any other, winding through plains scattered with trees each a century old. If you’re coming upon Soudiane at night, the first thing you’ll see is the lights, shining like stars through windows and courtyards. These lights are nothing more than camping lanterns, each house armed with three or...

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ALUMNI Post: A Fall Training with New Fellows

Lucy Blumberg


I see myself and my friends reflected in each of the 92 faces I greet over breakfast each morning: eager, excited, nervous, motivated; perhaps even a little naïve. They are smart, lucky,  and courageous, all the things that I didn’t realize I was until completing my own Global Citizen Year. They are full of questions:...

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