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Holli Sullivan

An artist at heart, Holli’s two deepest interests are singing and photography, though she also enjoys acting in school plays and playing the guitar. She has been a vocal performer for eight years and now spends much of her time capturing images and telling stories through her lens. Voted President of her school’s Spanish Club, Holli recently led her class on a trip to Mexico and has also visited Brazil and Costa Rica.


The Price Free Spirits Pay

Holli Sullivan


The Price Free Spirits Pay   Traveling the world has various costs. We all know this now. There are passport and visa costs, plane tickets, and baggage fees. Then comes accommodation, food, and transportation. And what about souvenirs? How ‘bout that $200 guided hiking tour that you just have to go on? Maybe a few...

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On the Side of the River

Holli Sullivan


On the side of the river where all my dreams are realized. where all the things I have wanted in my life are in my hands. and all the things that I will ever want they also are mine. River, teach me to love with all my heart. teach me to accept everything in my...

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A Natural Apprenticeship

Holli Sullivan


 A Natural Apprenticeship   I always knew I was a child of the universe. I was born on the beach. Like, literally, the hospital was on a hill overlooking the ocean. From the beach I went to live in the countryside for 2 years. From there I went to live the better part of my...

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