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Elias Estabrook

A German-American, Elias embraces his bi-cultural background during his travels, using his fluency in German and Spanish to make cross-cultural connections. He is an avid social activist, and is highly engaged with both his local and global communities. Elias was the Social Action Coordinator of his church’s youth group, leader of Community Building in his high school's student government, and has worked on projects in Niger and Guatemala. In his free time, he is a seasoned soccer player and runner as well as a fan of jazz, R&B, and hip-hop music. He is also an occasional poet and writer.


How We Care for Each Other

Elias Estabrook


In mid-October, the second week in my village, I caught the flu. Fatigued and dehydrated, I arrived at the local clinic, accompanied by my host father. After laying down, I proceeded to doze off.  Still, I remember precisely how every few minutes, the blurriness cleared to reveal the distinct faces of members of the village...

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Singing to the Heavens

Elias Estabrook


Rhythms run through the blood of the Senegalese. As much they depend on their daily dose of thiebudiene, rice and fish, or atayaa, sweet tea, seldom can you find them without music. Radios broadcasting ensembles of drums, some full and steady, others quick and pattering  — the nation’s most popular genre, mbalakh — accompany my...

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