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Jacklyn Joy Byrd

At the time of her Global Citizen Year, Jacky's passion was the arts. They dance, write, act, puppeteer, and read. She can usually be found reading or volunteering at the Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta, Georgia as a Museum Docent.


Leap Without Inhibitions

Jacklyn Joy Byrd


Please enjoy this short video about my time teaching dance classes with the help of my apprenticeship host, CARE-International. Click the link below or partake in the smaller version. I’ll let the video speak for me!

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Walking in Another’s Shoes

Jacklyn Joy Byrd


Before my gap year in Ecuador, I believed my capacity for moral imagination was above average. I constantly told myself, “I’m so empathetic that I naturally enter the other’s shoes!” As a slightly cocky high-school graduate, maybe this was true. However, I had challenged myself to become a global citizen. During the first week of...

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