Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Why us???


Everyday when I am walking down the streets of Bonfim in the lower city of Salvador, Bahian people mistake me for African. Why that is I do not know, but I am eager to find out.  People of African-descent throughout the diaspora need to dialogue with one another, so I asked aloud  “why do you...

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Un Rio


While in Atacapi, my community, I have discovered many things. There is one that really made me think. This was the river. I never knew all the things that a river can be.  Most of you know I have a passion for white-water kayaking. I am constantly watching the river levels to see when I...

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El Jugo De Kambic


The second week with my Napo host family has begun. My family consists of parents, Irene and Juan, and two younger siblings: one boy, Kambic, age nine, and one girl, Nina, age three. They are both rather adorable if I do say so myself.  Kambic acted comfortably towards me from the first day, but I had...

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The Night Watchman


It’s 5 a.m. and the cacophony has started. I hear the thump of music in the neighbor’s house, dogs barking, a mother hen ushering her chickens around like a drill sergeant, my younger brothers laughing as they get ready for school, and the insistent honk of the first bus leaving for Archidona. My first response...

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Among the deluge of advice I got before departing for Brazil, one common piece was to beware of the Brazilian men. I brushed it off along with “strap your passport to your body at all times!” but I realize now that the first piece of advice is more relevant than I ever could have anticipated....

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To the Bathroom


It’s 3:41 in the morning, and I just got back quivering into my bed.  I’d had to go pee for several hours but hadn’t figured out how I would make it alive.  I knew I was living in the rainforest region but this truly clarifies: I am living IN it. The rain droplets can be...

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A Cultural Role Model


Greetings readers and welcome to my first Global Citizen Year blog post. I would like to thank all of my supporters and readers for your interest in my experience. Enjoy! My experience in Senegal so far has been extraordinary in so many ways. There are a number of different things that I have learned, experienced,...

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Location, Location, Location


I have a secret. It’s a secret that, if discovered, could mark me as a traitor, a hold out, stingy and untrustworthy, at least to my Global Citizen Year cohort. The secret is the location of a place in Dakar where one can sit poolside, sip cocktails in bikinis, be fed complimentary olives while listening...

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Forward, Into the Field


Hey, so I’ve titled this article ‘Forward, Into the Field’ because “the field” is the name that Global Citizen Year found for the place where we the fellows call “home” for our 6 month stay while we work through our apprenticeships. The range for these places of ‘nesting’ is actually pretty wide. Some fellows are...

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