Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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The Ends Justify The Means

Milana Venegoni


For Learning Seminar 2 the India cohort had a debate between myself and another fellow. The debate topic was “The ends justify the means.” I ended up losing. My opponent is a wonderful debater and should go into politics. These are my opening and closing statements that were written before the debate.  Opening Statement       Fifty...

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What I have been doing in India?

Mame Sarr


What have I been doing in India? Knowing that I have less than 2 months left in country and every time I ask myself this question it truly freaks me out and even more when the question comes from my friends!  What have I been doing in India?  No words will be able to describe...

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Pune’s Motorbike Lovers

Celia Morton


On dark street corners, abandoned by shops or pedestrians, they hide. The motorbike lovers. Not having the approval to socialize in private spaces they are drawn to locations that make the interaction seem momentary, temporary. Just someone speaking to another for a few minutes, when indeed it can be for hours and hours. Every day...

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María (Mi Mamá)

Abigail Mann


María has been my mamá since September 7, 2019, and she’s one of the toughest, most resilient, and most caring women I’ve ever had the pleasure to know.  My mamá has been through a lot. She grew up with a father who firmly believed that a woman’s place was in the kitchen, and her purpose...

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Looking Back, Looking Forward

Lara Solis


With two months left to go, I choose to pause.  Pause the experience, the immersion, the host family, the apprenticeship, I choose to pause it all and look back. I’m looking years backward, into the rearview mirror of my past, and look back on to the man of my dreams. The man who made me,...

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My Host Brother: A Modification – Mein Gastbruder: Eine Modifizierung

Levin Stamm


– Deutsch unten – "What do you think of the CAA?" he asks. An abrupt question, I have just arrived in Pune after two weeks of travelling. Somewhat taken by surprise, I clear my throat, and start to explain my negative attitude towards the act, exactly knowing how insufficiently informed I am, having only read...

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Photo Diary

Brianna Torres


Here are some pictures from Independent Travel. On our journey we visited: Rajasthan: Jaipur, Jaisalmer, and Jodhpur Delhi Chennai Pondicherry It was a crazy and fun trip with a few hiccups here and there. Nonetheless it is a trip I will remember forever. I am so glad I got to spend it with people I...

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Why I Want to Stay

Eleanor Ross


Even though I’ve been in Senegal for over five months, I don’t want to leave. Even though my mom regularly texts me with the exact number of days until I’m home, I still don’t want to leave. And even though my dad just started making me homemade sauerkraut (trust me, it’s something to write home...

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5 Months In

Torai Ruddy Hoey


I’ve been meaning to write this blog update for… a while, now. I wasn’t sure what to say or how exactly I could represent my time here in Brazil as honestly as possible, and despite starting to write this post I still don’t really know. But we’re coming into these last two months in-country- the...

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