News & Press

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Seeing Value in ‘Gap Years,’ Tufts University Offers to Pay (Newsweek)


By Zach Schonfeld Filed Under: Education, Colleges and Universities, Gap Years, Tufts University When Gregory Kristoff graduated high school in 2010, he opted not to start college immediately. Instead, he spent the better part of a year studying Chinese in Beijing and then Dalian, China. Then he went to Peru — and then, after a full year of such gallivanting, he began...

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New York Times Features Groundbreaking College Partnership


Sometimes, after a hectic high school experience overshadowed by a competitive — or perhaps, disappointing — college admissions process, seniors just need a break. The idea of a gap year between high school and college could be tempting to students who are not ready to transition to the next level of education. And there are...

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Front Page Feature: Global Citizen Year in the SF Chronicle


Lucy Blumberg was the classic Lowell High School student. The San Francisco teen strove for straight A’s and fell short by one B – in driver’s education – and was accepted into the prestigious Northwestern University, her first step to becoming a doctor. But by the time the college acceptance letter arrived in the mailbox, Blumberg realized she was burned out. She still wanted to...

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Fast Company Features Global Citizen Year


When Global Citizen Year founder Abby Falik was 18, she wanted to enroll in the Peace Corps instead of going straight to college. “I was a good student, but ready to do something real in the world before continuing on to more school, and the Peace Corps says, ‘See you in four years, go to...

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Teach for the World


Nicholas Kristof highlights Global Citizen Year as a model for engaging young Americans in global issues, and says: “Fewer than 30 percent of Americans have passports, and only one-quarter can converse in a second language. And the place to learn languages isn’t an American classroom but in the streets of Quito or Dakar or Cairo.”

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A Student’s ‘Gap Year’ Need Not Break The Bank


If students are attracted to high-priced programs, like working on a foreign development project, there are ways to lower the price. For instance, Global Citizen Year, a San Francisco-based organization that places students in Senegal, Ecuador and Brazil, offers scholarships to help defray the cost. The two-year-old program looks at the same financial aid forms required by...

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Global Citizen Year: An Alternative Peace Corps


Abby Falik was dismayed when she discovered she couldn’t join the Peace Corps after graduating from high school only because she hadn’t yet turned eighteen. So she started a Peace Corps of her own. Listen to the interview with Abby on Wisconsin Public Radio’s “Here on Earth” show.

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Pop!Tech Boot Camp for Innovators


Pop!Tech, an annual conclave in Camden, Me., that explores technology and ideas that are shaping humanity’s journey, is inaugurating a three-day boot camp of sorts for young entrepreneurs trying to make the world a better place.

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Entrepreneurship Award


Global Citizen Year sees the transition to college as an extraordinary—and largely untapped—opportunity to unleash the potential of a new generation of global leaders.

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