News & Press

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Why Getting Americans Out of the Country Will Save the Earth


Students spend their Global Citizen Year in a Peace Corps-like service project in a developing nation. It’s a brilliant idea. Traveling and living in abroad is the best way to understand another culture, learn a new language, and grapple with the consequences of global poverty.

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Now Grandma Can ‘Win a Trip’ Too


Nicholas Kristof gives suggestions for designing your own ‘Win a Trip’ experience, and points to Global Citizen Year: “If you’re a high school senior, think about taking a “gap year” — nearly all colleges will defer admission — and exploring the world. It’ll be cheaper than a year of college and may well be more [...]

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Abigail Falik Wants Students to Take a Year Off Doing Good Abroad


If timing is everything, then Abigail Falik timed the launch of her nonprofit Global Citizen Year (GCY) with the precision of an atomic clock. As America’s young adults find themselves in a new global economy and job market, her idea has come to fruition at exactly the right moment.

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Global Citizen Year Creates Social Enterprise Leaders


Josh grew up in a rough neighborhood of Oakland, Calif. Despite learning disabilities and other challenges, he was accepted into a program that let him spend the year after his graduation from high school in a community development program in Senegal, Africa. A year later, he stood in front of an audience including his parents and...

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Program Aims to Develop a Generation of Global Citizens


The Global Citizen Year idea also garnered Falik an HBS Social Entrepreneurship Fellowship in 2009, along with a check for $25,000. “That additional investment really helped,” says Falik. “Since then we’ve raised nearly $4 million. In this economy, I think that is a testament to how much resonance Global Citizen Year has had as an idea whose...

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Looking for Students Like Me!


Global Citizen Year alum Tess Langan writes about her experiences in choosing the right college. She says, “When I found out about a gap-year program, Global Citizen Year, I did not need any prodding to apply or any encouragement to commit. I knew instinctively I would do anything to go. I am spending my year in...

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