News & Press

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Ecuador ’17 Alum Savier Morales on the “Pros and Cons of Taking A Gap Year”


High school graduation is rapidly approaching. You’ve ordered a cap and gown, selected senior portraits and picked the date for a party. The only problem is your senior is totally burned out, with no clue what comes next. Until he finds better focus and direction, the reality of paying tens of thousands of dollars in...

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Senegal ’18 Fellow Elise Leise: “Senegal, you’ve deepened my understanding of the world I left behind”


Senegal, I can’t remember clearly what I imagined you to be; what stereotypes I inadvertently packed in my suitcase alongside my solar charger and all-polyester clothing and water sterilization device. Vibrant saturation of color, drums beating deep and low, sun-scalded dirt roads, lions — I’m ashamed to admit it now, but that was the basis...

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Senegal ’18 Fellow Wyatt Foster: “How my gap year prepared me for college”


As I packed my (many) bags to head off for an eight months in Senegal, I wasn’t sure what the long term impacts of my gap year would be. I figured I would meet new people, practice new languages, eat new food, and experience new cultures, but I never thought it would so deeply affect...

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Brazil ’17 Alum Amari Leigh Named 2018 Newman Civic Fellow


Amari Leigh ’21 has been named a 2018 Newman Civic Fellow by Campus Compact, a Boston-based non-profit organization working to advance the public purposes of higher education. The Newman Civic Fellowship recognizes and supports community-committed students who have demonstrated an investment in finding solutions for challenges facing communities throughout the country. The fellowship, named for Campus Compact founder Frank Newman, provides training and...

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Abby Falik Named to AFAR’s “15 Women Who Inspired Us To Travel Deeper”


We’re continuously inspired by dedicated adventurers—those who travel the world, seek new perspectives, and commit themselves to experiencing life around the globe. These women are pushing the boundaries of what it means to travel fearlessly, motivating us all to follow their lead. Scroll through the slideshow to learn the stories of some (!) of the women who inspire...

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Senegal ’18 Fellow Erik Oline Featured in Ashland Newspaper


A fullling ‘gap year’ By Caitlin Fowlkes For the Tidings Posted Mar 7, 2018  After high school graduation, most teenagers follow a somewhat muddled path because — let’s be honest — who actually knows at the tender age of 18 what they want to do with the rest of their life? Maybe they start on a route...

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Social Startup Success by Kathleen Kelly Janus Features Abby Falik


Kathleen Kelly Janus, a lecturer at the Stanford University Program on Social Entrepreneurship and the founder of the successful social enterprise Spark, set out to investigate what makes a startup succeed or fail. She surveyed more than 200 high-performing social entrepreneurs and interviewed dozens of founders. Social Startup Success shares her findings for the legions of entrepreneurs...

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Abby Falik Named One Of AFAR’s “10 Most Interesting Travelers We Met This Year”


2017 AFAR Travel Vanguard included in AFAR’s list of 10 Most Interesting Travelers  From a famous rock star to a professional ghost hunter, here are the people who intrigued our readers in 2017. Travel is about people. On trips, we try to meet as many locals as we can to get a true feel for...

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Abby Falik on Influencing For A Cause


Learn how being a listener has proven to be a key component in Abby’s fundraising for Global Citizen Year, to make sure her organization is able to provide financial aid and scholarships to its Fellows. Listen to her interview with Josh Steimle for Influencer Inc Podcast!    

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