Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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If my soul was a balloon…

Deepa Gayadin


If my soul was a balloon, it could have been made by one artist or three, depends on what I'd like to believe. And like every balloon in the bunch, tied to a string I'll go where I am taken and tied. If my soul was a balloon I'd wish to have thicker and more...

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Lara Solis


“Entonces pienso en los míos… Por qué los habré dejado? Y, qué busco yo tan lejos de ellos?” “And so I think of my own… Why did I leave them? And, what am I looking for so far from them?” About two weeks after I returned to Costa Rica and to my family home, my...

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Becoming a Niece

Celia Morton


This year I learned that language isn’t necessary for connection.     I ended up coming to a host family which spoke perfect English, but I couldn’t wrap my head around why we didn’t connect. It took me seven months to realize that I still don’t know. Eventually, I found a loop-hole in that I didn’t need...

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Advice to Future Fellows

Amelia Joss


The past seven months in Ecuador taught me a lot. If I could go back in time to August and give advice to myself, this is what I would say. Advice for Future Fellows: Ecuador is so much colder than you think it is. Bring sweaters and warm socks. Also bring things to do. Bring...

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Drew Erickson


Home.   Since August, home meant Senegal. It was not where my family or friends lived, it was not where I grew up, but I quickly had to learn to call it home. My room had to become my sanctuary, the office had to become my place of productivity, and the people there had to...

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24 hours to leave Ecuador

Annika Kapp


I’m sitting at my gate at Guayaquil airport, trying to eat my breakfast. In a state of exhaustion and mindless hunger, I made the unfortunate choice to buy a cinnamon roll. It’s hot and delicious, but also completely drenched in a sticky chocolate sauce. I don’t have any cutlery, and even though the nice man...

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Singing To My Rickshaw Drivers

Lily Turner


March 11th, 2020 “There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward.” – Khalil Gibran In early December, I was very happy. My school routine fell into place and felt fulfilling, I had found some of my best friends, I loved my host family, and I felt like I was really...

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What I Want To Remember

Sadie Price-Elliott


How was your trip? Let me tell you. Let me tell you how the sun never failed to rise at 6 AM and descend behind the Andes mountains precisely twelve hours after. About the incredible view of the sunset from the small, wooden table outside of the restaurant. How I watched it almost every day,...

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The beach

Anupama Sanjith


I like the beach I like sandy beaches, stony ones….. I like the one in front of my house in Brazil…. I like beaches that don’t face the open sea but something called a “mar fechado” which means closed sea in Portuguese. I like how cold the water is sometimes but also how pleasant that...

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