Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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An Honest Epiphany

Mia Torres


I have been thinking a lot about my time spent in India. Mostly about what I did and didn’t do, what I wanted and what I got, and what I’ll miss and what I’ll probably forget. Now that my days left in India are numbered, the question: Have I done what I came here to...

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Mame Sarr


During our welcome week, we were sent down this road to do a scavenger hunt. We were not allowed to use google maps in order to find the places and we could barely introduce ourselves in Hindi. It was a very challenging adventure to live in my very first week. I remember being so overwhelmed...

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Blog 4: Salam Malekoum

Silvia Craig


Salam Malekoum Mangi tudd Salka Fall (sama torondo Mauritania la dekk). Am naa fuki at ak jorom n ̃ent. Tivaouane laa dekk. Dafa tang ge ̈r! Janti bi dafa forte. Mangi n ̃ew a Se ́ne ́gal Septembre. Se ́ne ́gal laa dekk pour jorom beni wer yi. Americk laa joge wante sama Yaay mexique...

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Places and Faces

Charlie Dickerson


Alright people, here it is… The long awaited photo album of my travels throughout December and January. ~ The first trip was to Manta, a city on the coast, with my friends Buddy, Luke, Amelia, Sadie, Abby, and Drew. I didn’t take that many photos because we pretty much just went to the beach, which...

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Love As A State of Grace: Lessons from the Host Family Stay

M'Chaelah Brown


Immersion is not a sacrifice of your authentic self. You do not have to feel pressured to change your own goals for your Global Citizen Year because of the opinions and or expectations of others. You may not be your host family’s long lost child that fits perfectly into the family, and that is more...

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Blog 6: Poetry

Hadley Duquette


I've restarted this blog at least 5 times now.  I feel like I've written all I can about this experience. I can't even express the happiness and gratitude I have for this experience and everyone involved.  It just feels like I am repeating it over and over again, so I will share this poem I...

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Thoughts on leaving and telling my story

Sinead Nardi-White


Just last week, I was sitting at my carpentry apprenticeship with my boss and the other apprentices, waiting for the heat to let up before we got back to work (it never really does, you just have to power through). I decided to use this time to read through my old blog posts. What struck...

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March the 3rd, ‘Lightly’

Alejandra Altamirano


“It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Light child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even when you are feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them. I was so preposterously serious in those days… Lightly, lightly- it is the best advice ever given to me… to...

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