Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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What I’ve learnt by learning a language from zero


—> What I’ve learnt by learning a language from zero  Before coming to Senegal I may have done one or two google searches – brief and forgotten minutes later – on common wolof sentences. As I said, in hindsight, I now see these searches were more so I didn’t feel like I was falling behind...

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A Day in a Life


"I was born in the day, right before lunchtime, and I arrived with a full appetite and it hasn't settled down at all" -Jenny Slate I wake up at 5 every morning. It is the only time that nothing moves and I like quiet. After breakfast, chai and biscuits, I walk down the hill that...

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A guide to bus rides in Ecuador


  I’m sitting at the open bus window, enjoying the fresh breeze which is providing a bit of relief from the stuffy-dry air inside. The strategic choice of your seat is vital in order to survive the one-hour ride to Cuenca. An amateur may think that any seat with window will do the job, but...

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Blog 2: The Toubab in Tivaouane


After frequently justifying an “audacious” decision, Embracing a future with an unconventional vision, College is on hold for a year long stall,  Instead of a campus I have headed to Senegal   Over two months gone with five left to live, My placement has proven abundant in challenges to give, Trying not to countdown but...

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Majesty of the Mundane


Well, here we are— a whole two months since I first touched down in Senegal. Two months of blunders, and triumphs; home sickness, and familial bonding; nightmarish faux pas, and phantasmagoric cultural experiences: the pitfalls of throwing oneself wholeheartedly into a new culture, and its indescribable rewards. After two months spent on this veritable roller...

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The Peanut Queen


Sometimes, you need a day to mope. And, being all about self-care, I treat myself to a day like this every once and awhile. I mean, Senegal is fantastic, but some days I just miss home. Because now and then all I need is some good, wholesome, childish fun– and often it seems I can’t...

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A Collection of Impressions


I made a video for my fundraising campaign for the Global Citizen Year Scholarship Fund, showing what kind of experiences are created thanks to those who donate. So here comes a little summary of my highlights these past two months! Keep in mind that I'm only showing highlights and that this isn't a holistic portrayal of...

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Deconstructing the popular belief “I don’t need anyone to be content with my life”


After procrastinating for over a month to write my first blog, I feel today is the day. I’ve been delaying it cause I was constantly worried about being objective and not distorting the narrative of Senegal, but I finally realised that unless I talk about Attaya or food, there’s no way I can be objective....

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How to bucket shower like a pro


Hi again friends! Welcome to another blog post by yours truly. This one is less of a reflection and more educational in nature (or maybe it’s just me showing off my new skills). I’m pretty proud of them.  I was scared before coming, scared of water not shooting out of a shower head. Pouring the...

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