Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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A Day in the Life of Oumy Sarr


(Photo taken by my three year old host niece. Excuse the blurriness. She’s just starting to master her photography skills.) I have been here a month. I can’t believe it has been an entire, full month. Some days time flies past me, racing at shocking speeds before my eyes and dragging me along with it....

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The Freedom of a Turquoise Scarf


October 3rd, 2019 I’m still getting used to it, the tight fabric over my mouth and nose, absorbing the sweat running down my temple. Sometimes I still feel suffocated by it. The turquoise scarf wrapped around my head and face was my aunt’s, and even though I was reluctant to bring it, I know now...

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If I had to choose one word to describe my first 7 weeks in Senegal, that word would be “itchy.” Besides the obvious mosquito bites, heat rash, and mysterious red bumps that cause me to scratch, there is an itch that my dirt-encrusted fingernails cannot reach. Deep within me, my experiences so far in Senegal...

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As Prepared as Possible


I like being prepared. I like knowing what is going to happen, what to bring, and what I need to know; just how to be as ready as possible. I want to know the game plan. Before I went on my gap year I talked to people to try and prepare myself. I knew that...

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Thoughts on Thiaba


Senegal is a strange place. After living in this new land for just over a month, I wish I could say I have it figured out. With no more questions, I wish I could say that I have conquered this land, my new home.  But everyday I wake with a loose plan for the day,...

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Piece On The Climate Strike in Pune, India


September 21st, 2019 Almost everything about my India experience has been somewhat contradictory. You come out of a nice mall or coffee shop to wild pigs wandering across the road, you spend hours making fresh meals and eat them with only your hands, and in the same instant you will see a sign that says...

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When I applied for Global Citizen Year (GCY) in November of 2018, the first question they posed was to describe a hypothetical Youtube video of mine that had just reached its one-millionth view; “What is the video about and what is your role in it,” they inquired. With enthusiasm and humor, I responded that the...

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This post is long overdue; I'm actually going to fill you in on a noteworthy day a couple of weeks ago. Before I begin, I would like to define the title of this post. Ecuatime is a way of life. Down here, people move at a different pace. That means that, if you are invited...

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Bird By Bird


It’s just after lunch on a Monday, and I am settling in to the typical afternoon routine I’ve developed after one month in my host family. I sit on the steps of our house with my book (important), my water bottle (even more important, especially if I’ve added a block of ice from the corner...

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