Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Back To School Season


Today, three months after my high school graduation, I jumped on a green coach bus — the most common form of transportation in my area — and started on my way to work. I peered out the curtained window, watching the thick fog fade at the mountaintops to reveal pastel blue skies at the peaks...

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Is sharing really caring?


Before leaving Sweden I made a post on Instagram preparing my audience for an unstoppable flow of content, or in other words, spam, of my life in India. It has now been 29 days since I arrived, and I have only made one upload which consisted of a photo of a street in Pune, explaining...

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I’m Alive and This is What’s Happening!


Hello! It has been exactly a month since I was last in Minnesota. That’s crazy! Time has flown by so fast. I was in San Francisco for a week before departing to Senegal. When I was flying to San Francisco, I started to write my second blog entry. It’s too late to post it now...

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Part of me becoming part of them


Today is September 25. It’s been two and a half weeks with my host family. Some part of me is surprised (“wait already!?”), and some part of me is surprised for a completely different  reason (“wait only!? I feel like I have known them for much longer!”) (First time I met mi familia) I am...

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So, I have a new name


I love my name. But it took a long way to get here. Years of people singing “Eleanor Rigby” and telling me their grandma’s name was “Eleanor” fueled a hatred in me for my name so strong, I forced my friends and family to call me Ellie. Well, at least for a while. But over...

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The Power of "Sí"


If I had to sum up all my emotions into one experience since I have been living in Ecuador with my host family, it would be as such: We had finished eating dinner and normally I would say goodnight and head upstairs but I see my host mother putting on a sweater. I assume she...

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Oil and Water


A tangle of emotions swirl within me as the plane lifts off the runway of the Atlanta airport. I have flown many times before, but none felt quite like this. As the plane rises, the expansive city comes into full view. My stomach drops, simultaneously with the giddiness of finally commencing my journey and with...

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"You took my sadness out of context" I want my writing to be better. I want it to move you, wrench you, change you. More honestly, I want it to move me, wrench me, change me.  Something interesting is happening to me. My body is doing things it has never done before. My lymph nodes...

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From a mother to another.


The memory of the last mom hug that I got upon my departure from Gaza is still recurring in my mind since August 2017. After over two years of education at UWCRCN in Norway and other travels, I have arrived in Senegal to spend the 7 months ahead. After a week of an in-country orientation,...

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