Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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3 am India


As I lay here in my hard narrow bed, I admire the color purple that surrounds me on my mosquito netting. It may be raining out. It may also be monkeys dancing on the roof again. I find it hard to differentiate the two. Either way both have managed to steal the sleep from my...

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      1/9/19     Hey friends!  Welcome to the first official entry in my blog!      I’m writing to you live on the plane from São Paolo to Floríanopolis, where I’ll live for the next eight months.  I’m also writing this just minutes after my first conversation in Portuguese!  Well, I’m not...

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Despierta When you leave your shoes Next to mine, I don’t know well I don’t understand well if I am Building you a future Or healing me a past But I know, this story didn’t end   When I leave my shoes Next to yours, I don’t know well I don’t understand well if I...

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Thoughts in the clouds…


Listening to Latin American music collection on the plane while getting ready for the transit in Atlanta, I finally realize that I am actually on my way to Ecuador. I realize that I am much further away from home than I had ever been. I realize that all the Spanish classes I had in the...

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The Year of Light (Blog Post)


(Sorry it's late, the words had to come to me first) The Year of Light   Everyone has been told at a moment in their life to “chase the stars”.  However, that is complete nonsense. Now you are probably sitting at your computer, reading the screen, and thinking, “What is this girl talking about?” Let...

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The Plurality of Home


Home. A word that conveys a thousand different emotions, a thousand different reactions, with a variety of different meanings. The Oxford Dictionary defines the word ‘Home’ as: (noun) the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household By that definition home for me currently is nowhere. Currently, I do...

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I’m Taking a Global Citizen Year


I’m taking a Global Citizen Year. First of all, reading that sentence alone is enough to cause goosebumps all over anyone’s body; but, reading it knowing that I myself was the one taking this journey was enough to induce more than just tiny chill bumps on the skin. For basically the entirety of my summer,...

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At peace


When I arrived at Stanford and kicked-off my global launch, I really did not know what to expect. I did not know what kind of mind set I should have. I did not know how socializing with a group of strangers would be like, nor did I know what to make of the eight months...

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5 hours to lift-off


    True to form, I’ve procrastinated doing this first blog post until just about the last second I could. We’re leaving for country, which is Brazil for me, in just under five hours, and not only are my clothes still in a messy pile on the floor, my mind’s pretty all over the place...

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