Fellow Stories

True gap year stories from Fellows abroad!

Check out the latest blogs from Global Citizen Year Fellows in Brazil, Ecuador, and India!

Class Year

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Anecdotes from the First Week


A little over a week ago, I left the comfort of my fellows and entered the real Ecuadorian world. Bit by bit, our cohorts had been shrinking. Starting as a global cohort of 150, we said our goodbyes after a week at Stanford. After a few days at a monastery in Quito, the Ecuador cohort...

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Small Moments


Eight years ago, I started collecting small moments. At first, I recorded them on a misshapen heart map in the back corner of my writer's notebook. Then, I started jotting them down on sticky notes until my moments filled mason jars. Now, I take note of these little pockets of time in a beautifully bound...

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Language Arts


In school, they call it “language arts”, the art of language. Personally, I never thought of it that way; the idea of spelling tests and grammar rules never felt very artistic. To my sister and I, they were all the less fun, as we came to American school with no knowledge of English because my...

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An Email to my Parents, An Update


Dear Family, Being a teenager is exhausting. God the texting is idiotic. And so the lack of social media is quite refreshing. It feels like I’ve transcended the things I thought were essential, not in a huge way. But in a, “instagram is useless” way. My bed is too big, which is good but also...

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Ndomor, My New Home


                         -Me and a few of my family members- As the school year came to an end, I started thinking seriously about how to prepare for my year in Senegal. What do you bring to a place that you can hardly even imagine? So I put together a bag filled with exactly 50.0 lbs of...

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Two Weeks In Transition


  Three weeks ago today, I said goodbye to the home that raised me. Two weeks ago, I landed in Ecuador. Now, I am in my new home. Nestled in a vibrant, rural landscape about an hour away from Cuenca, surrounded by crawling clouds and majestic mountains, and slowly but surely finding a new space...

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Poco A Poco


One of my host mom’s favorite phrases to say to me is “poco a poco”. Slowly, mija.      The first day we met, she told me the story of her family, how her children miss their father but every day it gets better. Poco a poco. Each morning, she reassures me that I will...

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You Know You are in Senegal When


You know you are in Senegal when… when “bug spray, sunscreen, malaria pill” becomes the most important part of your morning routine when you drift off to sleep to the sound of goats just outside your window when any and every conversation begins with a friendly “asalaa maalekum” when the power goes out almost… routinely ...

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My playlist to Taranga


There’s only one good way to go out. Not with a bang, or loud memorable moments, not with all smiles and a hopeful heart, not with doubts and fears either. It’s with a clear stream of consciousness and one simple phrase; “Press play”. That’s how I went out. Well, mostly……kind of?…..not really?..…wanted to? For the...

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